Friday, July 29, 2005

Greetings. This is my/our first attempt at a blog. With time I guess we'll find out if anyone cares... Life is good right now. Meagan and Drew are spending a lot of time together (around the clock) and Mark has taken up nightly residence in the master bedroom closet-except for the rare occasions when he helps with the feedings in the middle of the night. Dane is a happy little kid with the same long and wispy hair. Dane completed his third swimming lesson last night. He loves the water and enjoys practicing floating and blowing bubbles in the water.

Our dog daisy is pregnant with muts that we hope to sell anyway. She should be delivering just prior to us moving into our new home near Lindsay and Warner. We decided to buy our first (and hopfully last) real set of bedroom furniture. After we get all moved in we'll have a party or something. That's all for now. Pictures to come later.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Hey Mark! I like the blog! Good luck with surviving Drew's first months.