Sunday, October 21, 2007

Quick Family Update

A quick update on the Mark and Meagan Brower family:

Today we had the primary program at church. I sat with my Valiant 9 class and Dane sat with the Sunbeams on the stand. The program was wonderful. One of the little girls just older than Dane in junior primary has a small-sounding but very loud singing voice. When the director held up the picture of a lion (meaning to sing louder) the program was transformed into a soloist production with a choir singing backup for the little girl. It was very funny and everyone in the congregation enjoyed a good laugh over it.

We went to Shnepf Farms on Thursday as a family and had a very good time. The $12/person price and drive out there is worth it. Dane was brave enough to ride the newest attraction: a roller coaster. He was also quite brave riding the spooky train ride. This year I changed Drew’s diaper on a hay bale instead of in a grassy field. The result was similar (wet skin + dry hay or grass = big mess). The night ended in fireworks and allergies (for me) and it was a blast.

Dane has started T-ball. His games are every Saturday morning (next Sat. 11 a.m. at a park ¼ mi. north of Guadalupe east of Power Road). He was one of the only kids to hit the ball into the outfield during the game yesterday and he seems to really enjoy playing. We had to visit a couple different stores to find a left-handed glove that fit just right. I think his Mom hopes he becomes a star ‘south-paw’ pitcher some day.

Yesterday our neighborhood threw a Fall Festival—complete with music and bouncy castles and food. We followed that up with a trunk or treat/chili bake party with our ward at the building. It has been quite a whirlwind of a week, but also a lot of fun.

Drew seems to be making some modest progress with his speech. This last week we took him to speech therapy for the first time. Dane has learned to ride his big wheel so fast that he can kick the back end out when rounding a corner. Don’t tell his Mom, but I think we may have another Brower that has the need for speed!

That’s all for now. Sorry for not calling as much as I should to check up on everyone. Love, Mark and Meagan.

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