Monday, December 03, 2007

Enjoying Living

When I am in a low state, nothing turns my mood around quicker than a new discovery or re-discovery.

There is a book out now called "The Fred Factor". It's great. It is all about thriving in life versus just getting through life. To describe it in Mormon speak, it is about magnifying life instead of just experiencing it.

Fred is a postman. He gets to know the author of the book by introducing himself personally at the author's door the first day the author moves into Fred's route area. He then outlines a few suggestions for keeping his personal information safe and his home secure when he is out of town. He also offers to take note of the future travel plans of the author so he can bundle the mail and deliver it upon his return.

Fred enjoys living. He thrives because he creates value despite not being paid for it and he really cares about people. This is success.

It dawned on me (or really re-dawned on me) that as long as I focus on things I can't control I will not be happy. I can not control what happens in this real estate market or whether market conditions favor my efforts to put deals together that will close. I can control expanding my relationships and influence with the players in the market. I can control working to better understand how people communicate and how to sincerely connect with them and how to influence them. These are the things that really matter anyway.

Last night I found a web-site that proclaims that acheivement is 15% knowledge and 85% relationships. If my primary purpose and objective is learning how to expand my influence with others then I can absolutely thrive regardless the market conditions.

We can constantly re-invent ourselves, our outlooks and look at our purpose in new a creative ways. The main point is to keep ourselves full of hope and faith living true to our nature and sharing the best of who we are with others in a helpful manner.

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