Sunday, February 03, 2008

Back to School

A week ago Friday I made the decision to go back to school to get my MBA. There are no immediate and obvious advantages to me professionally, but overal I think I will be happy I did it. Plus, Meagan will be covered under ASU health insurance through Aetna, which could save us money if we have another baby.

I flew to Vegas to take the GMAT on 3 hours sleep Tuesday after studying 3 days and scored an unofficial 690. That was enough to get me in the program which I start tommorrow. It is the evening accelerated program. I will have classes M/W nights from 6-10 and probably have 2-3 team seesions during the week. Life will be very busy these next 18 months but I seem to thrive under busy and challenging conditions and I look forward to the increased pace.

Real Estate:

This last week I secured my first multifamily land listing. It is 5.34 acres on Power Road just north of McKellips--adjacent to MCC Red Mountain Campus. List price is $2,500,000. I feel confidant I will find a buyer that will put it in escrow. The deal would take up to 12 months to close. I am optimistic it will partly because I think the shadow market is dissipating and despite lack-luster job growth projections I think the increased demand for rental units over the next two years will outpace the additional supply offered.

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